Current Status of Poultry Meat Production, Processing and Marketing in Ethiopia: A Review

Author Details

Gezahagn Dugassa

Journal Details


Published: 24 February 2022 | Article Type :


The review was conducted to assess the current status of poultry meat production, processing and marketing in Ethiopia. It assesses Ethiopian poultry meat production potential, status of poultry meat consumption, and challenges of Poultry meat production and marketing in Ethiopia. According to CSA (2020/21), Ethiopian poultry is estimated total population of 57 million. In Ethiopia, about 14. 3 million poultry were slaughtered (9.5 million Male and 4.8 Million Female). The Poultry meat production is conservatively estimated to be 21,853 tons per year. From this, 18,192 ton (83%) from Male, and 3,659 ton (17%) from Female chicken. As a result, the estimate of total number of eggs produced during the year is about 369 million. The per capita poultry and poultry product consumption in Ethiopia is one of the lowest in the world: 57 eggs and 2.85 kg of chicken meat per annum. The marketing system of poultry and poultry products is generally informal and poorly developed. Low levels of education among producers, and inadequate availability of water and electricity, poor coordination of the value chain linkages between input suppliers, service providers, producers, traders and retailers, along with a lack of credit services and risk averse investors limit production and marketing of poultry production in Ethiopia.

Keywords: Poultry, Meat, Production, Marketing, Substitution

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How to Cite


Gezahagn Dugassa. (2022-02-24). "Current Status of Poultry Meat Production, Processing and Marketing in Ethiopia: A Review." *Volume 6*, 1, 6-11